Bring back the beauty of your home with our expert pressure washing services. We remove dirt, grime, and stains—leaving your surfaces spotless and refreshed.
We are a trusted, family-owned business dedicated to delivering top-quality pressure washing services. With professional expertise, honest pricing, and 100% customer satisfaction, we ensure your home looks its best. From driveways to siding, we handle it all with care and precision leaving your surfaces spotless and refreshed.
Deep cleaning that’s tough on dirt, safe for your home
We take pride in delivering top-notch services with professionalism and care. Our expertise ensures that every job is done right the first time, giving you peace of mind.
We believe in transparent pricing, integrity, and exceptional customer service. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we go above and beyond to exceed expectations.
As a family-run business, we bring a personal touch to every project. 1-Year warranty on siding wash and 2-year warranty on roof wash. Roof wash warranty should be for shingle roofs
Say goodbye to dirt, mold, and grime! Our safe and effective pressure washing services restore the beauty of your home’s exterior, increasing curb appeal and protecting your investment. Whether it’s your driveway, deck, or siding, we make it look brand new
We use high-quality, eco-friendly cleaning solutions that are tough on grime but safe for your home, family, and pets. Our skilled team ensures a deep clean without damage, giving you spotless results with peace of mind.We deliver deep, effective pressure washing that removes dirt, mold, and stains while keeping your home safe. Our eco-friendly approach ensures a spotless finish without damage
Clean Community Power Washing transformed my home! They made my driveway and siding look brand new. The team was professional, thorough, and incredibly friendly. I highly recommend them for anyone looking to improve their curb appeal!
Sarah L., Westerville, OH
I’m so impressed with the quality of work and attention to detail. The husband-and-wife team showed up on time, explained everything clearly, and delivered exactly what they promised. Great value for the price and exceptional service!
James R., Columbus, OH
Clean Community Power Washing did an amazing job on our roof and deck. They went above and beyond to ensure everything was spotless. It’s clear they care about their customers and take pride in their work. Will definitely use them again!
Emily W., Westerville, OH